Sunday, 12 April 2015

Favourite Things About Spring

I've never really had a favourite season, however Spring definitely comes near to the top as the weather gets warmer, the days get longer and my birthday's isn't far away.

One of the ultimate and exciting things about Spring is Easter, because who doesn't like an excuse to stuff your face with chocolate eggs? Easter also offers a whole range of activities for families and friends such as Easter egg hunts or baking Easter treats that you can later enjoy whilst spending quality time together with a coffee or hot drink. 
My next favourite thing is the warmer, sunny weather. The better weather immediately boosts my mood after being stuck inside for months because of the grey and dull weather of the winter. Going outside always uplifts my mood which I'm now able to do more often and if I'm lucky I sometimes get a tan. Spring is like a bit of brightness after a long dull winter that seems to last forever along with the Christmas blues. 
Not only does the weather improve but the days get longer which has always made me happy. It's like the day is tricking you into thinking you have more time to get things done, which effectively stops me from stressing out. Along with the long days comes mild evenings that are perfect for barbecues with family and friends and to chill out with a glass of wine in the garden. 
In addition to the better weather comes the blossom on the trees and flowers blooming. The gardens and parks are magically transformed into places of colourful rainbows and trees turn into beautiful formations of pastel colours and fresh greenness. It's always clear that Spring is here as soon as places seem to become more colourful.
To make the most of the splendid weather I find myself doing schoolwork outside a lot more than usual, mainly because the sun is mild enough to give me a light tan and doesn't burn my skin and also because being outside makes me feel a lot more awake whilst working. The area outside is more open as well which helps when I'm working as I don't feel trapped in a small working area or room.
What's your favourite thing about spring? :) 
Becky x

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